Thursday 21 August 2014

OpenGL Mini Projects


Sitting in class the other day I just realized that all the work expended on OpenGL while working on the mandatory mini project in my curriculum was gathering dust and cobwebs on some hard drive somewhere. I thought I should put it out there for anyone who'd like to use it.

I'd like to apologize in advance for the lack of clear organization and documentation and will fix that in the future. It had not occurred to me that I would be putting all of it on a public forum.

Some of the topics included are:

1. Centre of Gravity doll simulation in 3D (this was my project and should be the most organised and documented)
2. AVL trees
3. Dijkstra's Algorithm
4. Bellman Ford
5. Towers of Hanoi
6. Bouncing Ball
7. Waving Flag
8. Walking Robot

Although most of the code is stuff I have worked on, there may be code samples from other places and projects of those I helped during the course. No plagiarism intended. All credit to whomsoever its due. Sharing is caring.

And finally, the link:

Good Luck! :)